X11 color chart in correct order

Table’s description can be found at the bottom of the page.

Название цвета Код RGB (%)
misty rose #FFE4E1 100,89,88
pink #FFC0CB 100,75,80
light pink #FFB6C1 100,71,76
hot pink #FF69B4 100,41,71
deep pink #FF1493 100,8,58
medium violet red #C71585 78,8,52
pale violet red #DB7093 86,44,58
light coral #F08080 94,50,50
salmon #FA8072 98,50,45
light salmon #FFA07A 100,63,48
dark salmon #E9967A 91,59,48
indian red #CD5C5C 80,36,36
crimson #DC143C 86,8,24
firebrick #B22222 70,13,13
brown #A52A2A 65,17,17
dark red #8B0000 54,0,0
maroon #800000 50,0,0
red #FF0000 100,0,0
orange red #FF4500 100,27,0
tomato #FF6347 100,39,28
coral #FF7F50 100,50,31
dark orange #FF8C00 100,55,0
orange #FFA500 100,65,0
gold #FFD700 100,84,0
yellow #FFFF00 100,100,0
khaki #F0E68C 94,90,55
goldenrod #DAA520 86,65,12
dark goldenrod #B8860B 72,52,4
lemon chiffon #FFFACD 100,98,80
light goldenrod yellow #FAFAD2 98,98,82
light yellow #FFFFE0 100,100,88
cornsilk #FFF8DC 100,97,86
papaya whip #FFEFD5 100,94,84
blanched almond #FFEBCD 100,92,80
peach puff #FFDAB9 100,86,72
bisque #FFE4C4 100,89,77
moccasin #FFE4B5 100,89,71
navajo white #FFDEAD 100,87,68
wheat #F5DEB3 96,87,70
burlywood #DEB887 87,72,53
tan #D2B48C 82,71,55
sandy brown #F4A460 96,64,38
peru #CD853F 80,52,25
chocolate #D2691E 82,41,12
saddle brown #8B4513 54,27,8
sienna #A0522D 63,32,18
rosy brown #BC8F8F 74,56,56
beige #F5F5DC 96,96,86
pale goldenrod #EEE8AA 93,91,67
dark khaki #BDB76B 74,72,42
dark olive green #556B2F 33,42,18
olive #808000 50,50,0
olive drab #6B8E23 42,56,14
yellow green #9ACD32 60,80,20
green yellow #ADFF2F 68,100,18
chartreuse #7FFF00 50,100,0
lawn green #7CFC00 49,99,0
lime #00FF00 0,100,0
lime green #32CD32 20,80,20
forest green #228B22 13,54,13
green #008000 0,50,0
dark green #006400 0,39,0
pale green #98FB98 60,98,60
light green #90EE90 56,93,56
spring green #00FF7F 0,100,50
medium spring green #00FA9A 0,98,60
medium sea green #3CB371 24,70,44
sea green #2E8B57 18,54,34
dark sea green #8FBC8F 56,74,56
medium aquamarine #66CDAA 40,80,67
aquamarine #7FFFD4 50,100,83
turquoise #40E0D0 25,88,82
medium turquoise #48D1CC 28,82,80
light sea green #20B2AA 12,70,67
cyan (aqua) #00FFFF 0,100,100
dark turquoise #00CED1 0,81,82
cadet blue #5F9EA0 34,62,63
dark cyan #008B8B 0,54,54
teal #008080 0,50,50
pale turquoise #AFEEEE 69,93,93
powder blue #B0E0E6 69,88,90
light blue #ADD8E6 68,85,90
light steel blue #B0C4DE 69,77,87
steel blue #4682B4 28,51,71
sky blue #87CEEB 53,81,92
light sky blue #87CEFA 53,81,98
deep sky blue #00BFFF 0,75,100
dodger blue #1E90FF 12,56,100
cornflower blue #6495ED 39,58,93
royal blue #4169E1 26,41,88
blue #0000FF 0,0,100
medium blue #0000CD 0,0,80
dark blue #00008B 0,0,54
navy #000080 0,0,50
lavender #E6E6FA 90,90,98
thistle #D8BFD8 85,75,85
plum #DDA0DD 87,63,87
violet #EE82EE 93,51,93
orchid #DA70D6 86,44,84
magenta (fuchsia) #FF00FF 100,0,100
dark magenta #8B008B 54,0,54
purple #800080 50,0,50
medium orchid #BA55D3 73,33,83
dark orchid #9932CC 60,20,80
dark violet #9400D3 58,0,83
blue violet #8A2BE2 54,17,89
indigo #4B0082 29,0,51
medium purple #9370DB 58,44,86
medium slate blue #7B68EE 48,41,93
slate blue #6A5ACD 42,35,80
dark slate blue #483D8B 28,24,54
midnight blue #191970 10,10,44
white #FFFFFF 100,100,100
snow #FFFAFA 100,98,98
mint cream #F5FFFA 96,100,98
honeydew #F0FFF0 94,100,94
azure #F0FFFF 94,100,100
light cyan #E0FFFF 88,100,100
alice blue #F0F8FF 94,97,100
ghost white #F8F8FF 97,97,100
white smoke #F5F5F5 96,96,96
lavender blush #FFF0F5 100,94,96
seashell #FFF5EE 100,96,93
old lace #FDF5E6 99,96,90
floral white #FFFAF0 100,98,94
ivory #FFFFF0 100,100,94
linen #FAF0E6 98,94,90
antique white #FAEBD7 98,92,84
gainsboro #DCDCDC 86,86,86
light gray #D3D3D3 83,83,83
silver #C0C0C0 75,75,75
dark gray #A9A9A9 66,66,66
gray #808080 50,50,50
dim gray #696969 41,41,41
light slate gray #778899 47,53,60
slate gray #708090 44,50,56
dark slate gray #2F4F4F 18,31,31
black #000000 0,0,0

A few words about the table. I searched on the Internet for a table of safe colors in the correct order – ROYGBIV (rainbow color order). I found some inconvenient cuts broken into columns… So I’ve ordered it in the right order by myself –  I needed it to design a color picker for my online roguelike. I would be glad if it comes in handy too. If so – write a comment 🙂

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