Category Archives: phpBB (en)

phpBB – add a link in the menu?

Probably every administrator of a phpBB forum sooner or later adds additional links at the top. So it’s time for me to ask – how do I add a link at the top of the forum (in the header) of … Continue reading

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Most sites are hacked because of incorrectly configured access chmod (second place outdated cms modules, sql-injections, etc.). So how do I set up chmod properly in phpBB forums? All folders 755 All files 644 Four exceptions where we set 777: … Continue reading

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phpBB youtube insert video in bbcode

To make a button to insert video in phpBB, you need to add a new bbcode, because the function of converting a safe bbcode in html. Directly allow the user to use html – very undesirable in terms of forum … Continue reading

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Forum titles & ranks – phpbb forum

Recently I developed my own concept of ranks on the forum. It seems to be a small thing, but success is made of such small things. A good rank system additionally motivates users to participate more actively in the forum … Continue reading

Posted in phpBB (en), Social Media, Webmaster (en) | Leave a comment

How to update phpBB

Updating the phpBB forum is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance. Of course, it is done in a somewhat manual mode, but it can be worse 🙂   How to update the phpBB engine to the … Continue reading

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The phpBB logo

Playing with the muscles filter in photoshop accidentally gave birth to a rather warm and ladylike version of the phpbb logo 🙂 Logo transparent png, you are welcome!

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OAuth authorization – how to authorize through social networks

Many engines, including phpBB offer authorization through social networks and other services. The most popular solutions are based on Facebook and Gmail.   How to make OAuth (by the example of phpBB):

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phpBB link to the last post

There are many mods that allow you to add a link functionality to the last post on the forum. I will not talk about them, because it is a thankless task to multiply forum mods (I will explain why in … Continue reading

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[phpBB] inserting tables into the forum via bbcode

The task – to implement insertion of tables into the forum in phpBB. The easiest, safest and most convenient way – to use bbcode. To do this, go to: admin panel -> posts -> BBCodes and add there:

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[phpBB] Remove captions from images and attachments

The task was to remove captions for images in phpBB. They look like this: the name of the file, its size, how many times viewed. The easiest way to do this is to edit the template.   Go to styles/prosilver/template/attachment.html … Continue reading

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Pre-moderation on phpBB

A quick guide on how to enable pre-moderation on the phpBB forum. It’s on by default, but usually everyone turns it off and forgets how to turn it back on when you need it (when spammers attack, for example). So: … Continue reading

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[solution] blurry emoticons in phpBB (or other forums)

First off, here’s how to add emoticons to phpBB:   uploading smiley pictures to /images/smilies on the forum: Administrators section → “Messages” → “Emoticons” → below “Add some emoticons” Fill in the fields, tick the box at the top right … Continue reading

Posted in Design (en), Lifehacks, Photoshop (en), phpBB (en) | Leave a comment

[phpbb] Page blocked due to error 403 (access denied)

I’ve noticed this bug with one forum – it was not indexed in Google Search… it says, the bastard:   Page blocked due to error 403 (access denied)   And well, that noticed, because long ago was sagging attendance and … Continue reading

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PHP 7.1 → 7.2

In continuation of the post: “Reducing the CPU consumption of hosting. How to speed up any CMS site”.   I switched to PHP 7.2. Hosting load is 20% less: On the axis of ordinates – CPU: the number of minutes … Continue reading

Posted in Apache (en), PHP (en), phpBB (en) | Leave a comment

phpBB: how to add banner to the header

Fast tutorial for clickable adaptive (for mobiles) banner to phpBB forum header without plugins (past phpBB extension which I used for banner was vulnerable and spoiled security at my forum): Go to /styles/prosilver/template/overall_header.html Right after <!– EVENT overall_header_headerbar_before –> add: … Continue reading

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