An example of how addresses are stored in memory:
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main(void) { int* x = NULL; printf ("address of new pointer-type variable x: %p\n", &x); printf ("value of variable x: %p\n", x); x = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int)); printf ("now pointer-type variable x value exists and it is: %p\n", x); printf ("address of new pointer-type variable x: %p\n", &x); return 0; }
A more complex example from cs50, which we analyzed in detail with the help of comments:
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main(void) { int* x = NULL; int* y = NULL; printf ("address of new pointer-type variable x: %p\n", &x); printf ("value of variable x: %p\n", x); x = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int)); printf ("now pointer-type variable x value exists and it is: %p\n", x); printf ("Note that address of pointer-type variable x still: %p\n\n", &x); *x = 42; printf ("So.. variable x contain address %p.\n", x); printf ("In bytes which can be found by this address we will write number: %d\n\n", *x); // now if we will try... // *y = 13; // ...we will have CRUSH: cause we try to write a value by address which was not defined; printf ("address of pointer-type variable y: %p\n", y); // now we copy value of a pointer-type variable x to y y = x; printf ("pointer-type variable y now store address: %p, which has value y: %d\n", y, *y); // put a number ('13') into allocated space by address which is stored as value in pointer-type variable y *y = 13; printf ("pointer-type variable y contain address: %p; value y: %d\n", y, *y); printf ("x variable still contain the same address: %p, but different value x: %d\n", x, *x); return 0; }