Github: how to update a fork

Sometimes you fork a turnip for every firefighter (they sometimes delete it; we know, they passed ..) and you forget about it. But they write something in it, update it – you need to update yours too. The easiest way to do this is through the web interface:

  1. in your fork click Compare
  2. change the base (base) turnip to your fork
  3. click compare across forks
  4. change the head turnip to the original, from where we update
  5. create a pull request and merge!

You can do it through bash, but I have it on a virtual machine and I’m too lazy to go there, in order to make a turnip update 🙂 There are also softins that do this themselves, but somehow I don’t want to litter the computer with them.

I will be glad to your comments!

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