Sooner or later in the life of every mmm … Malthusian, let’s say .. there comes a moment when you need to learn how to work with the Git like a human being. In particular, engage in gardening – grow branches, graft them, cut them, and so on.
Well, I’m an amateur gardener and always pushed everything into a master. I drove a tank to the store for bread, so to speak.
But the time has come when it is important that the shoots grow in the right direction … Let’s say we made a fork (on the github website, click the button on the top right) and ..
1) clone it to local
git clone<my_username>/<fork>.git
2) connected to the main rep (in order to later roll updates from there)
git clone<my_username>/<fork>.git
git remote add upstream git://<user>/<repka>.git
3) create branch
git branch <branch_name>
4) made the branch active
git checkout <branch_name>
(you can immediately make a branch and make it active:
git checkout -b <branch_name>
5) well, we programmed cool features on our local computer. preparing a commit:
git add <file_name>
git commit -m "<comment>"
6) tested and published in our branch remotely:
git push -f origin <branch_name>
Meanwhile, the original turnip also did not stand still and the wildest updates appeared there as well. How to update your turnip? To start:
look at the intricacies of branches (-all)
git remote -v
(we check where and where the ears of our escape grow). When executed, this is what it shows:
origin<my_username>/<fork>.git (fetch)
origin<my_username>/<fork>.git (push)
upstream<dev_user>/<original>.git (fetch)
upstream<dev_user>/<original>.git (push)
origin – this is what we have on the local; our clone project. upstream is work with the parent project. At the end, in brackets, they write what we can do with them – fetch (pull out) and push (push there from the clone). Btw, git pull
– it’s basically two commands in one: git fetch
и git merge
Now we update the master of our fork:
git fetch upstream
git checkout master
git rebase upstream/master
Next, switch to your branch and make rebase:
git checkout <branch_name>
git merge master
Well, we throw the new version to the remote:
git push --set-upstream origin <branch_name>
Congratulations, you made it!