CMS. Part 1. Who’s who.

CMS (Content management system as content management system / sites) – content management system used to store and publish a large amount of information in different formats.

Almost all CMSs have a visual redactor (WYSIWYG), which allows the user to format text more easily, using simplified HTML code markup.
Let’s look at what CMSs are.

Types of CMS

  • Paid CMS (Proprietary)


Name Platform Supported DB Last version
abcOnline-CMS ASP MySQL 4.4
ProFusion Ultra IS ASP Microsoft SQL Server v3.1
Powerfront CMS ASP SQL 6.6


Name Platform Supported DB Last version
LaunchPoint CMS .NET SQL Server 3.5
lemoon CMS .NET XML 3.5
EIBS EasySite CMS .NET SQL Server 6.0
Immediacy .NET SQL Server 6.0
Jadu .NET SQL Server 1.8
Sitekit CMS .NET SQL Server 8
EPiServer .NET SQL Server, Oracle, SQL Express 5.2
Sitecore .NET SQL Server, Oracle, My SQL 6 (released in 2008)
OnBase (Hyland Software) .NET SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase, IBM DB2 8.2
Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (Services) .NET SQL Server (2000 or 2005), SQL Express 2007


Name Platform Supported DB Last version
AlterFiction ASP.NET SQL Server 2008
Community Server ASP.NET SQL Server 2008
Kentico CMS ASP.NET SQL Server 3.1a
MonoX ASP.NET SQL Server 2.0x
OrangeLogix ASP.NET SQL Server 1.8
RelationshipList – Work by Referral ASP.NET SQL Server 4.0


Name Platform Supported DB Last version
Adobe Contribute Publishing Server (CPS) J2EE The database is not required CS3
Day Communiqu? WCM Java The database is not required 5.1
Traction TeamPage Java Built-in 4.0
Jalios JCMS Java Built-in: Apache Derby, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL 6.0
Blue Light CMS Java Oracle, MySQL 1.1
Cascade Server Java Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server 5.2
TerminalFour Site Manager Java, J2EE Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server 6.0
Noodle Java Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL 6.6.4
FatWire Content Server Java Oracle, SQL Server, DB2 7.0.3
CoreMedia CMS Java Oracle, SQL Server , DB2, PostgreSQL 2008
Vignette J2EE Oracle, SQL Server, DB2….etc 7.5

Java Bundle

Name Platform Supported DB Last version
Lotus Web Content Management J2EE or Lotus Domino Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, Lotus Domino 6.1
Refresh Software – SR2 (Component Content Management) Java, J2EE, XML Oracle, SQL Server v7.2


Name Platform
Cubic Compass Amazon EC2 .NET
Site Masher .NET

The only decent Russian CMS is Bitrix (PHP platform, database MySQL, Oracle, MS SQL, the latest version 7.0, costs 215 – 10800 dollars).

  • Free CMS (open)


Name Platform RDBMS ORM-DBMS Other BD Last version License type Latest release date
jAPS Java
HSQL PostgreSQL   1.8.4 GPL 2008-06-11
Jahia Java HSQL, MySQL, Oracle PostgreSQL   5.0.3 JCDDL and JSSL 2008-06-01
OpenCms Java HSQL, MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, DB2 PostgreSQL   7.0.5 LGPL 2008-07-02
Liferay Java HSQLDB, MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, Apache Derby, DB2, Informix, InterBase, JDataStore PostgreSQL SAP 5.1.1 MIT 2008-06-17
Fedora Java MySQL, Oracle PostgreSQL Mulgara (MPTSTore RDF Semantic Triplestore) 3.1 Apache License  
DotCMS Java MySQL, Oracle, MSSQL PostgreSQL   1.6.5a GNU GPL v2 2008-12-04
Nuxeo EP Java MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, Ingres PostgreSQL   5.1.3 LGPL  
Alfresco Java MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, Informix PostgreSQL   2.2 GPL & Commercial 2008-10-01
Magnolia Java     JCR 3.6.1 GPL 2008-10-01

Java Packages / Bundle

Name Platform Supported DB Last version License type Latest release date
Apache Lenya Java, XML, Apache Cocoon   2.0 Apache License  
Daisy Java, XML, Apache Cocoon MySQL 2.1 Apache License 2008-03-09


Name Platform Supported DB Last version License type Latest release date
blosxom Perl Flat-file database 2.0 MIT  
Bricolage Perl PostgreSQL 1.10.3 BSD 2008-04-28
Socialtext Open Perl PostgreSQL (pgsql)   CPAL  
TWiki Perl Plain files (under version control) 4.2.0 GPL 2008-09-12
Scoop Perl on mod_perl MySQL 1.1.8 GPL  
Slash Perl on mod_perl MySQL   GPL  
WebGUI Perl on mod_perl MySQL   GPL  

Perl (bundle)

Name Platform Supported DB Last version License type Latest release date
Cyclone3 Perl, XUL, JavaScript, C, Java MySQL and any Perl DBI 3.0 GPL 2008-10-02
Movable Type Perl, mod_perl, FastCGI MySQL or Microsoft SQL server or Oracle or PostgreSQL or SQLite 4.2 GPL 2008-08-12


Name Platform Supported DB Last version License type Latest release date
AdaptCMS Lite PHP MySQL 1.3 GPL 2008-07-18
Aqua CMS PHP MySQL 1.0 GPL 2008-04-24
Cambio PHP MySQL 0.5a GPL 2008-10-25
CivicSpace PHP MySQL 0.8.3 Open source, detail unknown  
Digitalus CMS PHP5 MySQL 1.0.1 New BSD 2008-11-01
Drupal PHP MySQL,PostgreSQL 6.8 GPL 2008-12-11
e107 PHP MySQL 0.7.15 GPL 2008-12-10
eFront PHP MySQL 3.5.2 CPAL 2008-09-05
ImpressCMS PHP MySQL 1.0.2 GPL 2008-10-31
Jojo CMS PHP   1.0rc1   2008-05-29
Joomla PHP MySQL 1.5.8 GPL 2008-11-10
KnowledgeTree Document Management System PHP MySQL 3.5 GPL & Commercial  
Lyceum PHP MySQL 1.0.2 GPL 2008-06-04
Mambo PHP MySQL 4.6.5 GPL 2008-06-01
MiaCMS PHP MySQL 4.6.5 GPL 2008-09-11
MODx PHP MySQL GPL 2008-09-16
Nucleus CMS PHP MySQL 3.32 GPL 2008-01-29
OneCMS PHP MySQL 2.5 GPL 2008-01-15
Opus PHP MySQL 2.27 GPL 2008-07-06
PHP-Fusion PHP MySQL 7.00 AGPL  
PHP-Nuke PHP MySQL 8.0 GPL  
phpWCMS PHP MySQL 1.3.3 GPL  
SilverStripe PHP MySQL 2.2.3 BSD 2008-10-31
Sitellite CMS PHP MySQL 5.0 GPL 2008-10-03
Subrion CMS PHP MySQL 1.0 GPL & Commercial 2008-09-01
TangoCMS PHP MySQL 2.2.0 GNU/GPL 2  
Textpattern PHP MySQL 4.0.7 GPL 2008-11-28
TGS Content Management PHP MySQL 0.3.2 GPL 2008-03-12
The System PHP MySQL 0.8 beta GPL  
Tribiq CMS PHP MySQL 5.0.9 GPL 2008-10-01
TYPO3 PHP MySQL 4.2.3 GPL 2008-11-11
whCMS PHP MySQL 0.103 GPL 2008-08-10
WordPress PHP MySQL 2.7.0 GPL 2008-12-11
Midgard CMS PHP (Midgard framework) MySQL 1.8.4 LGPL 2008-11-03
Frog CMS PHP5 MySQL or SQLite 0.9.2 AGPL 2008-09-29
MediaWiki PHP MySQL, PostgreSQL 1.12 GPL 2008-10-02
Merlintalk PHP MySQL, PostgreSQL 1.00 GPL  
phpWebSite PHP MySQL or PostgreSQL 1.1.0 LGPL  
Dotclear PHP MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite 2.1.1 GPL 2008-11-07
Habari PHP MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite 0.5.2 Apache License 2008-09-19
eZ Publish PHP MySQL / PostgreSQL / Oracle / Microsoft SQL Server 4.0.1 GPL 2008-08-20

file / flat file

Name Platform Supported DB Last version License type Latest release date
CMSimple PHP Flat-file database 5.1 Affero 2008-06-20
Dokuwiki PHP Flat-file database 2007-06-26 GPL 2008-05-05
phpCMS PHP Flat-file database 1.2.2 GPL  
PmWiki PHP Flat-file database 2.1.27 GPL 2008-08-14
razorCMS PHP Flat-file database 0.2 RC GPL  
Quick.Cms.Lite PHP Flat-file database 2.0 Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 2008-05-13
TikiWiki CMS/Groupware PHP MySQL and others using ADOdb 2.1 LGPL 2008-10-17
phpWiki PHP Flat-file database / MySQL / PostgreSQL etc.   GPL 2007-07-14


Name Platform Supported DB Last version License type Latest release date
MoinMoin Python Flat-file database 1.6.2 GPL 2008-11-20
Nuxeo CPS Python ZODB 3.4.3 GPL  
Plone Python MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle, ZODB, via Zope 3.1.7 GPL 2008-11-14
PyLucid Python MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite 0.8.0 GPL 2008-02-14
Byteflow Python, Django MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle   BSD  


Name Platform Supported DB Last version License type Latest release date
Radiant Ruby MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite 0.6.6 MIT 2008-08-01
Zena Ruby MySQL beta MIT 2008-10-06


Name Platform Supported DB Last version License type Latest release date
Nooto Ruby on Rails MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite 0.1 BSD 2008-10-11
Typo Ruby on Rails MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite 5.1.2 MIT  


Name Platform Last version Latest release date Тип лицензии Дата выхода последней версии
DotNetNuke ASP.NET Microsoft SQL Server or some other system 4.8.1 BSD 2008-09-10
Xaraya PHP with XHTML/XML/XSLT MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite (ADOdb) and SQL Server (Creole) 1.1.3 GPL 2008-01-03
SiteFrame PHP + Smarty MySQL 5.0.2 Creative Commons 2007-09-04
XOOPS PHP + Smarty MySQL 2.0.18 GPL 2008-09-22
XOOPS Cube PHP + Smarty MySQL 2.1.4 BSD  
Serendipity PHP + Smarty MySQL, PostgreSQL,MySQLi, SQLite 1.3 BSD 2008-03-18
Zikula PHP + Smarty MySQL, Oracle PostGres, SQL Server 1.0.2 LGPL 2008-08-10
OpenACS TCL AOLserver PostgreSQL/Oracle 5.1.5 GPL 2008-03-22
  • Self-written CMS

Self-written CMS are written for specific projects, sharply sharpened under a certain functional features, but in most cases, self-written CMS are developed by web design agencies that would bind customers to “their” tech support. Also self-written CMS often developed for what would unwind the customer (the director of the organization, the state or another person concerned) for pennies (smiley).
Self-descriptive CMS are characterized by:
Difficult to control.
You can’t get away from developers, you’ll need consultations and revisions for $.
Unprofessionalism in CMS development = a headache for customers. Choose developers wisely.
CMS is written for specific purposes – the ease of code, fast operation, no unnecessary gadgets that slow down the site engine. You can make any design, a huge scope for optimization and promotion of sites.

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