Hello World in Assembly x86

Hello World in assembly language. How much fun is in that! For starters, here’s what we’re going to dig into in asm, the classics:

#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
    printf("Hello, world\n");
    return 0;

On GNU assembly it would be something like this:

######### write(1, message, 13) -> exit(0)


    .ascii "Hello, world\n"


.global _start
_start:                 # entry point

    mov     $1, %eax    # syscall 1 (write)
    mov     $1, %edi    # file handle 1 (stdout)
    mov     $msg, %esi  # string address
    mov     $13, %edx   # size in bytes
    syscall             # OS syscall

    mov     $60, %eax   # syscall 60 (exit)
    xor     %edi, %edi  # return 0
    syscall             # OS syscall

My vid about it:

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